R33 GTR Down Pipe & Cat DIY

Let me warn you ahead of time, the front end bolts off your exhaust manifold are going to be a pain. Go slow and be gentle, you don't want to snap one of these off. Have a lift and some penetration spray ready.

- I chose the Fujitsubo eqaul length downpipe best of research on exhaust tones. I also took the time to heat wrap pre-install.

- To compliment this peice, I also got a deal on a used HKS high flow cat with the heat shield.

Step I

- Spray these four nuts/bolts with some penatration spray, mine were rusted in place.

Step II Cont.

- Here is a pic from the other side. Go slow and don't use a cheter bar, you'll snap these right in half if they are the origanal bolts form the factory.

Step III

-If you have made it this far, the hard part is over.

- These two bolts hold your Cat retaing bar in place,remove it for now and you'll have to keep it handy for the re-install.

- These are the last two bolts holding your cat-back system to your cat.

- Don't let the whole thing fall on your head! That's It, run these steps in reverse for the re-install!